Prime ScratchCards Enjoys Success with Products like Prime Backgammon

The quarterly figures of Prime Scratchcards released on March 9th, 2010 show that more than 10,000,000 online scratch cards were sold across the European continent in October 2009. This is an excellent performance that shows the continuing steady improvement of Prime ScratchCards.

Prime ScratchCards experience an outstanding autumn, selling 10,000,000 scratch cards in October 2009 alone. These results show that Prime Scratchcards has cope up well with the worldwide financial crisis. By offering minimum cost scratch cards and improving payout, the group has continued to expand and capture a bigger portion of the gambling market.

The ten million scratch cards sold in a month can also be seen as evidence of the healthy state of the organization. This success can be attributed to the good quality and large variety of games offered on the Prime ScratchCards site. Gamers know that the Prime ScratchCards features some of the best payouts and odds in the gaming industry and are staying with the online site.

Customer loyalty has greatly contributed to the steady growth of Prime ScratchCards. The company has also been busy with launching brand new games. Their goal is to maintain the quality of their existing games and continue their tradition of combining one-of-a kind graphics and interesting theme with ease of play.

Some of their most successful brands include Prime Backgammon, which have enjoyed success in the past months and captured the interest of a lot of Prime ScratchCards players.


29 2010

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